Holiday Love is a four-month ecosystem that provides Black single mothers with a monthly no strings attached financial gift during the holiday season.

Mothers who are invited into this ecosystem receive:

  • A monthly holiday gift of $500 from a committed financial partner

  • Some relief and joy for the holiday season


We know that the holiday season can be stressful and overwhelming for everyone, especially for Black single mothers.

So much to consider, so many people to think about, so much to do (with so little time), and so much money to spend... money that you may not have.

We get the struggle.
We see you.

Let us support you during this holiday season.


Through our annual holiday ecosystem, we match lower-income Black single mothers with a Loving Black Single Mothers financial partner.

Our financial partners are everyday people who have committed to gifting a Black single mother $500 a month throughout the holiday season (November, December, January, and February) for a total of $2000.

You can use this money as you see fit to support and nourish yourself and your family this holiday season. No strings attached.

We know that this support won't erase all of the stress and overwhelm that comes with the holiday season, but our hope is that it provides you with some relief and some joy.


Black single mother,
you deserve a holiday full of love, comfort, and cheer.


 Get Involved: For Mothers


I’m a Black single mother interested in Holiday Love.

Join our Interest List to get more information about our initiatives and an invitation to apply.

 Get Involved: For Financial Partners


I’m interested in participating as a financial partner in Holiday Love.

Join our Holiday Love waitlist by adding your name, and you'll be the first to know when enrollment opens!

Ecosystem Impact

View Our Holiday Love 2022 Evaluation Report