We do this work
in honor of those who have gone before,
in recognition of our teachers and guides, and
in full acknowledgment that this work is the result of so many contributions,
seen and unseen over many years of love, deep reflection, planning, and dreaming .
Initiatives like this rise out of
circles of love and
communities of care.
Learning together makes the space for new ideas to germinate and take root inside conversations that can be curious and direct at the same time. So much gratitude for all the ways these communities have been an incubator for new ways of looking at old problems with curiosity about what it takes to really live into liberation at the core.

We begin by acknowledging the mothers because we wouldn’t be here without them.
Our work stands on the shoulders and is an extension of every Black single mother who has ever existed. We honor them, their journey, and their dreams with this work.
Loving Black Single Mothers has been directly impacted by those who have held the throughline over years and offered feedback and encouragement at critical junctures.
Special thanks to Danielle Cohen, Jen Lemen, Nisha Moodley, and Aja Clark for being here for the long haul. Your presence has deeply and profoundly nurtured this work.
We want to further thank the circle of women who advised us as we brought this work to life.
Dreams like Loving Single Black Mothers do not happen without real-world support behind the scenes from people who can make critical connections, execute the work and hold the threads to excellence and completion.
These humans: Dr. Jennifer Mullan, Rachel Ricketts, Tiffany Curtis, Stepha Lafond, and Aisha Rios have served in the early days of this project in practical ways to make sure this dream was materialized and we are deeply grateful.
The written thought leadership of these authors has deeply shaped our work.
Through their books and talks, quotes and insights, we understand what strong foundations look like and where to turn when we experience opposition, pushback, or doubt. These authors are part of our intellectual and spiritual lineage and we honor them.
bell hooks
Alexis Pauline Gumbs
June Jordan
Silvia Federici
Patricia Hill Collins
adrienne maree brown
Toni Morrison
Angela Davis
We are supported by a circle of contributors who feed this work and nourish the bottom line so we can deliver on our promises and nurture this ecosystem with love, care, and attention to every detail. This thank you would not be complete without acknowledging our partners, both big and small. May this circle be blessed and continue to grow as the circle of Loving Black Single Mothers deepens and grows.