We invite you into a
Praxis of Possibility
Here at Loving Black Single Mothers, the language we are using is different than that of donation, contribution, or charity. There are deeply intentional reasons for this.
Historically, the focus of most nonprofit models has been to make donors feel good about their giving by centering the pain and trauma of the communities the nonprofit was created to support. This is done so that donors can see themselves as heroes or saviors and as separate from the communities in which they are supporting. We are choosing to operate differently.
A Praxis of Possibility
Solidarity Not Charity
A Praxis of Possibility Solidarity Not Charity
There are no heroes or saviors here.
There is no separation.
There is only responsibility and pure possibility.
We are not centering the pain of Black single mothers instead we are centering possibility because love is the energy of possibility.¹
We assert that we are all connected at the root. We’re each members of a collective, complex, interconnected ecosystem that is dependent on and responsible for each other, directly and indirectly, day in and day out. You are a part of the same ecosystem as Black single mothers.
While traditional donor/beneficiary relationships obscure and complicate this fact, we seek to make it clear by revealing exactly what it takes for ecosystems to be healthy and vibrant—and not from making some up and others down, but by showing what multidimensional well-being looks like.
¹adrienne maree brown in “Emergent Strategy” (pg 32)
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